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N-gram Text Analyser
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An N-Gram is a sequence of words, where "N" is the amount of words in the sequence. A unigram is a 1-word sequence, an bigram is a 2-word sequence, a trigram is a 3-word sequence, and a 4-gram is a four word sequence. Stemming will reduce a word to it's root, for example: the words "plays, playing, played, play" are all reduced to the root stem "plai". Stop words are words that don't add much meaning to a sentence, like "all, any, but, each". "Punctuation as space" changes if words like "self-imposed" are separated as one or two words.
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Unigrams (1)
Bigrams (2)
Trigrams (3)
4-grams (4)
5-grams (5)
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Punctuation as Space
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